Monday, December 5, 2011

Japanese Persimmons, Kaki 柿

Japanese persimmons, or kaki have become my favorite fruit. They are a perennial sign of autumn in Japan. They are very common throughout the country. I don't think I'd even ever seen  persimmon in America before much less eaten one. I've heard the taste described as like an apricot, but with a darker, honey flavor. There are two varieties. the kind of persimmon that is eaten fresh, like the one pictures here.These came from Junko's parents. The other I actually like better is the dried "hoshigaki" and are a common sight hanging like pearls from balconies. My wife told me that boom harvests of kaki come in alternating years. Omotedoshi means a get a lot year like this one. Uradoshi means a get nothing year like last year and probably next year. I wondered if there was any other way to eat them. I found a fruit cake recipe online that called for two mashed persimmons. It tasted good and moist, but not particularly like persimmons. I recommend trying this sweet autumn fruit if you have the chance.

hoshigaki, dried persimmons

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